The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-networking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enable these objects to collect and exchange data which offers instant access to detailed information about their health, their environment, and their machines.
For developers, however, the IoT levies a very broad set of requirements that draw on multiple disciplines including wireless sensor design, secure communications, and cloud-based software development.
Adding to the challenges are fast changing demands and emerging opportunities, leaving developers with shrinking windows for turning concepts into working IoT applications. For rapid prototyping of concepts, a developer needs to choose the already available kits for IoT which comes in nearly infinite configurations, from tiny battery-powered chips that chirp intermittently over Bluetooth to credit card-sized computers with USB power supplies and high-bandwidth Wi-Fi radios. Whatever the needs of your project or product, there’s sure to be a board that fits your exact requirements.
Several companies such as Intel and Telit have already launched IoT development kits. The chipmaker’ IoT kit is optimized for rapid prototyping and provides all the hardware and software developers need to speed up prototyping and time to production.
Here is the list of IoT kits Companies with a little description and company URL for references.
IoT prototyping kits
Renesas IoT Kits
Renesas IoT kits and Sandbox allows you to rapidly create IoT applications using cloud services and real-time workflows. All functions needed for development are included, from connecting to the cloud and processing device data to IoT-centric libraries with analytics functions for predicting trends and detecting anomalies.
Synergy S5D9 — IoT Fast prototyping kit
Synergy S3A7 — IoT Fast prototyping kit
Raspberry Pi Kit
The Raspberry Pi isn’t just a great platform for building the Internet of Things project: It’s a super platform for learning about the IoT.
Particle’s Electron board is a cellular-connected complement to its Core and Photon Wi-Fi development boards. Electron works with the company’s existing shield modules and draws on the power of the Particle Cloud. The board’s production was funded in April 2015 through a Kickstarter campaign.
The Internet of Things can change the way citizens live, travel, and take care of each other. Arduino developments are being supported by large corporations as well as startups. Arduino has been part of the conversation since early on.
This is an Open-Source Cellular board that would be a great platform to develop your internet of things (IoT) projects. It enables web connectivity for your ideas. The platform is tri-functional and can be used as an Arduino, FTDI cable or for Cellular connectivity.
Gemalto Cinterion Concept Board
Gemalto is moving this concept forward for the embedded space with the Cinterion Concept Board, a user-friendly extendable development kit that leverages Java, Cinterion solutions and the SensorLogic Application Enablement Platform to quickly design and launch next-generation M2M solutions.
Thingsee One
The Internet of Everything (IoE) Development Platform with support for Oracle Java ME Embedded 8 lets software developers and systems integrators innovate, test and deploy IoE applications with embedded cellular connectivity.
IoT Resources
Build your IoT development skills by using such resources as the IoT Community. The IoT Community provides tutorials, including step-by-step guidance, live training sessions, community discussion, and other testing and learning activities.