What is Twitter X – how to login and delete twitter account

What exactly is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social networking website that lets users post short messages also known as tweets. Tweets may contain images, text, videos or even links. To use Twitter users require an internet connection or a smart smartphone to access the app or site, Twitter.com.

It’s an microblogging service that is an amalgamation of instant messaging and blogging that allows registered users to publish tweets, share them, and like them. Users can also respond to tweets using short messages. Users who aren’t registered can only read tweets.

Users make use of Twitter to stay up-to-date on announcements and offers from companies; connect with their friends; and follow politicians, business leaders and famous people. It is also used to keep track of current events and news. Twitter is the primary news source to report the story regarding the water landings that occurred on US Airways Flight 549 in New York City’s Hudson River.

Twitter can be used to communicate information in a short time. Since tweets can be sent to followers in real-time it can appear like immediate messaging (IM) to the new user. However, unlike IMs which disappear once the user closes the app Twitter tweets are also published to Twitter. Twitter website. They’re always searchable, permanent and are public. You can also choose to shield tweets, so only the followers are able to read tweets.

The History of Twitter & who owns twitter

The company was founded in March of 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams created Twitter. The concept behind Twitter was born out of the desire to develop a short-messaging system for a small number of people. The service was made available to the general public at the end of July.

Twitter is a brief flash of irrelevant information and bird chirps that describe the goal of social media via Twitter for the purpose of communicate brief and concise information.

Other notable tweets on Twitter:

2012: More than 100 million users send daily 340 million tweets.

2013. Twitter has been ranked in the Top 10 most popular websites.

2013.: Twitter is preparing to prepare for IPO during September.

2019, Twitter is home to more than 335 million users active.

2022 Elon Musk the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla has reached an agreement buy Twitter at a price of $44 billion to transform it into an unincorporated firm in the month of April. The acquisition was completed in October.

2023Twitter collaborates with the investing platform eToro in April to allow users trade and access stock, cryptocurrencies, and other assets through hyperlinks to eToro. Musk chooses Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter in May.

Is Twitter is now x

The iconic bird logo has been officially replaced with the letter ‘X following Elon Musk made the announcement on in the week of July 22nd. In addition, Musk x.com is now redirects users to twitter.com. Musk also declared this to be it an “interim” brand, meaning there is a possibility of a new logo redesign in the near future.

How Twitter Work

Users decide what they would like to read in Twitter through following users and businesses and searching for topics. In general, the timeline is reflective of the user’s preferences however, they might also get retweets of people who follow them and promoted Tweets that are advertisements paid for.

How to Twitter Searching Working

The search bar is where the user can enter an individual subject, keyword or topic to search. There’s also an option to use the Twitter Explore function for trending topics and keywords.

Twitter determines what is trending according to an algorithm as well as their preferences, location preferences and preferences. The algorithm also determines what’s hot right now and highlights emerging discussions and the latest topics.

To prevent fraudulent accounts Twitter introduced the verification symbol. It indicates the account is genuine as it belongs to the user or business. In order to verify an account, Twitter confirms the identity of the account owner or individual. This ensures trust among users. The account should be linked to a well-known person or brand and adhere to the guidelines of Twitter with a valid site and ID, or email address that has been verified.

Follow users

For Facebook or LinkedIn, users need to be approved by their social connections. This isn’t the situation on Twitter. Everyone can join Twitter. Once they have found a person on Twitter users are able to click “Follow” from their page on the profile of that person.


If users tweet, their messages are shared on their profile, and they show up in feeds for followers. The tweets can be searched through Twitter. Tweets may contain jokes or news, as well as random thoughts, and sharing articles, however there is a limitation on the length. In the beginning, Twitter limited tweet characters to 140 characters. The limit has been increased to of 280 characters. This includes punctuation marks, spaces, and spaces.

To incorporate tweets in a thread of conversation, or link them to a common theme, members can include hashtags to keywords in their tweet. This hashtag functions as a meta tag is referred to as #keyword. This allows the tweet to be searched under the keywords.

Twitter also provides TweetDeck for managing multiple Twitter accounts. schedule tweets for the future and much more.

Interacting with others on Twitter

Users can decide to retweet a post from another user and forward it to the timelines of followers. They are also able to comment on posts, or even reply to them. To show their agreement registered members can follow tweets.

In addition to tweeting users can also send messages and links to each other via direct messages. Direct messages are encrypted between the two parties who send messages. There is a possibility for receiving direct message from any user which means that users don’t need to follow one another to initiate an exchange.

Twitter is a business tool. Twitter

Businesses utilize Twitter to build brand awareness and public relations as an integral part of a Social Media Marketing strategy. Making use of Twitter can help businesses:

  • Engage with customers
  • Provide prompt customer service
  • be aware of competition and
  • Announce new merchandise, sales and other events.

Businesses can also buy promoted tweets, or ads, to allow marketers to reach many more users or connect with their followers. The tweets look just like any other post, but are tagged “promoted.”

Twitter could be at risk

Since information can be spread quickly through Twitter there are dangers. One of them is the following:

  • The spread of false information or fake news. Information is published in real-time which makes it difficult to stop or slow the spread of information when it concerns fake news. Twitter has launched its Birdwatch programme in 2021 to stop tweets from spreading misinformation. Users need to be aware of the signs of disinformation and report the tweets when they are needed. Twitter will look into and take action to suspend accounts when necessary.
  • Twitter bots. These computers tweet, retweet, and follow other accounts. They can create large followings for advertisers if users react. They resemble human communications and also propagate disinformation or spread propaganda rapidly.
  • Harassment and negative feedback. This could affect individuals as well as companies.
  • Privacy and security of data. Twitter was attacked in July of 2020 by crypto-fraudsters. The scam consisted of tweets from compromised accounts soliciting bitcoin as a currency with the assurance that Twitter will double the amount in exchange for a charitable donation. It ripped people off of more than 100,000. Hackers also hack into accounts to publish information about the person, which is usually someone who is a prominent number.

Twitter has undergone changes since Musk took over

Since Musk assumed control of Twitter in the month of October 2022, Musk has made a few modifications to the company which included the official change of name from X Corp. revealed in an April 2023 court filing. Other modifications include:

  • Twitter Blue. Twitter Blue is a paid subscription with additional features for the account. The accounts are identified by an asterisk in blue and can be purchased at just $8 per month or $84 for the year. The features that are part of Twitter Blue include editing or retracting a tweet, displaying 50% less ads and tweets with longer than 10,000 characters, the option of features on your navigation bar NFT profiles, priority ranking, two-factor authentication as well as selecting a theme that is vibrant for the app’s design.
  • Layoffs at companies. Since the end of October, Musk has reduced Twitter staff by around 80percent, which amounts to about 6000 employees. Prior to the acquisition, Twitter had approximately 8,000 employees. As at April 20, 2023 they have approximately 1,500 employees following reductions.
  • Views of Twitter feeds. Users can now choose which tweets they would like to display in their timeline, between tweets suggested by Twitter or tweets that are the most recent from those who follow users.
  • Reinstatement of accounts that have been controversial. Musk reinstated a few prominent accounts following his acquisition, including the former U.S. President Donald Trump the rapper Ye (Kanye West) and influential blogger Andrew Tate, who is currently in prison in Romania on charges of human trafficking. The accounts had been barred for content that was controversial.
  • Verification and identification of the account. The blue checkmarks used to be utilized in Twitter’s verification process. The ticks now are silver or gold for companies and public figures. The explanation is that reads “official official business.” In the case of celebrities or other prominent figures, they can only have the blue checkmark only in the event that they belong to Twitter Blue to prove authenticity of the account.
  • Direct messages encrypted. Verified users are able to communicate encrypted information to verified users or organisations. They are secured with an algorithm that encrypts information, so that only the intended recipient and the sender can read them. To send encrypted messages those who are eligible will need to click the toggle to turn on “encrypted setting.” The encrypted messages are marked with an icon for locking.
  • Video and voice calling capabilities. Twitter will soon launch video and voice-calling features for users to make calls to other users directly through the platform according Musk. Musk. There’s no specific time or timeframe for when this feature will become available.

The controversy surrounding the takeover has also been featured in the news. Then, in April of 2023 NPR as well as PBS declared that they will cease using Twitter following being labeled “government-funded media.” NPR announced this label was a threat to the credibility of its position as an independent, editorial institution. BBC was also identified as “government supported media” which led BBC to demand a quick resolution.

Then, in April of 2023 the New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) the country’s biggest mass-transit provider– stopped the use of Twitter because the platform was set to charge $500,000 annually for their services. Then, in May of 2023 Twitter made a change to its policy of charging government agencies to access their services. Twitter now provides no cost API access to public service users.

Twitter transitions to X

Then, in July of 2023 Musk declared that he was officially changing the brand name of Twitter in the form of X. The blue bird’s iconic logo is now replaced with an X. X.com redirects users to Twitter.

Musk plans to create X the powerful app that will include payments, messaging, and social media similar to the Chinese WeChat app. At the time of writing, July 20, 2023 the name change remains a change.

Musk could face an legal battle for changing the spelling of his name X since other companies like Meta and Microsoft are able to claim intellectual property rights over the letters X.

How to Login  Twitter X

  • Visit https://twitter.com or Click “Log into”. If you’re already signed in you can click “***” on the bottom left corner, then click “Add an account you already have” (or “Log out”.
  • Enter your phone number, email address or username and input your password.
  • If you’re already signed in to your mobile device, tap your profile photo. Click”person+” and then tap the “person+” icon and then tap “Add to an account already in use”.

I’m unable to remember the user name I was using.

  • Make use of your Password and email address for accountto sign into Twitter.
    • If your password isn’t functional, request a new password by entering your email address on our form to reset your password.
    • If our system can’t find an email account, it might be entering the wrong address. Continue reading.

I’m not able to remember the email address that I used on my account.

  • Make use of the account’s Password and usernameto sign in Twitter .
    • If you are unable to solve the problem If it doesn’t work, you can visit this online form for requesting a password and type in your username or email address or mobile number you believe you used. After that, go through all your inboxes of emails. We will email instructions to reset your password for the account’s email address.

I’m not able to remember the number I used to create my account.

  • If you’re asked to enter a mobile number to request the reset of your password, but you are unable to remember which phone number you entered, enter your username or email address for your account.

How to delete twitter account

You can remove your Twitter account with only a few easy steps. In this post, we’ll show you how to deactivate and remove Twitter quickly on various platforms.

Can you remove Twitter completely?

Around 6,000 tweets are sent out each second which is why it’s no surprise that some users are overwhelmed. Some have claimed that Twitter of encouraging cyberbullying as well as abusive comments as well as hateful speech. Many users have made the decision to quit Twitter for the good of their lives.

However, can you remove Twitter? Yes you can, however, you need to deactivate it first. If you don’t log in to your account for 30 days following the period of deactivation, Twitter will delete your account and won’t connect your username to it.

How do I delete Twitter on Android

Click to the Menu icon, or the profile picture in the upper left-hand corner, then choose “Settings as well as Privacy” from the dropdown menu.

Click to open the “Your account” tab.

Go to the bottom of your screen until you see you can find the “Deactivate Account” tab and then tap it.

Review the details provided, then scroll to the bottom and click on “Deactivate”.

You must verify your password before you can finish the procedure.

  1. The app will require you to confirm you are attempting to remove your account.
  2. Twitter is then going to confirm the choice.

How can I remove Twitter on iOS

  1. Log in to the Twitter app and click your profile photo in the upper left corner.
  2. Choose “Settings and Privacy.”
  3. Click “Your accounts.”
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose “Deactivate the account.”
  5. On the next screen on the next page, you’ll find important details about what happens after you decide to deactivate your account. Take the time to read it thoroughly and then click “Deactivate.”
  6. An additional window should appear. Enter your Twitter username and hit “Deactivate.” The account has been deactivated.

How do you delete your Twitter on your computer

  1. Log onto Twitter and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the “More” button to the left.
  3. Choose “Settings and Privacy.”
  4. Select “Deactivate the account” under the “Your account” section.
  5. Select “Deactivate.”
  6. Enter your password, then click “Deactivate” once more.
  7. Congratulations! You’ve now removed your account on Twitter. After a 30-day period of deactivation the account will be deleted permanently.


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