Android Stacked Bar Chart Using MPAndroidChart
Hii Developer in the Android Example we make solution for a dashboard App to create a multiple color stacked bar chart using MPAndroidChart for Android app. So in these Android solution like i have a multiple value and show on bar chart with different color on a single bar with the value.
To display a bar chart in your Android app you will need to follow these steps.
- Select a chart library for Android, in this tutorial we use MPAndroidChart
- Add dependencies for MPAndroidChart to your project
- Add the barchart to your activity or fragment layout
- Configure the appearance of the barchart
- Create the data set to show data in the bar chart
The above chart is only sample, I want three colours in each bar (stacked). I have already made a bar chart with separate colors, but can’t make such multiple coloured chart. so after a log try and do it.
Android Stacked Bar Chart Using MPAndroidChart
So Let’s make a Android Stacked Bart Chart using MPAndroidChart to showing multiple color on bar chart with stacked.
Firstly create an android project with empty activity and if you already have a project create a activity for stacked bar chart and the MPAndroid Chart Library in you gradle file .
MP Android Chart Library
repositories { maven { url '' } } dependencies { implementation 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.1.0' }
in your activity xml file add bar chart layout. copy below code.
<com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarChart android:id="@+id/bar_chart1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_weight="1" android:layout_marginTop="10dp" android:layout_marginBottom="10dp" android:layout_height="300dp"/> file source code
follow these code for you java file implementation for you bar chart showing data on bar with there color.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { BarChart mChart1; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); MultipalColor(); } public void MultipalColor(){ mChart1 = findViewById(; mChart1.getDescription().setEnabled(false); // if more than 60 entries are displayed in the chart, no values will be // drawn mChart1.setMaxVisibleValueCount(40); // scaling can now only be done on x- and y-axis separately mChart1.setPinchZoom(false); mChart1.setDrawGridBackground(false); mChart1.setDrawBarShadow(false); mChart1.setDrawValueAboveBar(false); mChart1.setHighlightFullBarEnabled(false); // change the position of the y-labels YAxis leftAxis = mChart1.getAxisLeft(); leftAxis.setValueFormatter(new MyAxisValueFormatter()); leftAxis.setAxisMinimum(0f); // this replaces setStartAtZero(true) mChart1.getAxisRight().setEnabled(false); XAxis xLabels = mChart1.getXAxis(); xLabels.setPosition(XAxis.XAxisPosition.TOP); // chart.setDrawXLabels(false); // chart.setDrawYLabels(false); // setting data; Legend l = mChart1.getLegend(); l.setVerticalAlignment(Legend.LegendVerticalAlignment.BOTTOM); l.setHorizontalAlignment(Legend.LegendHorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); l.setOrientation(Legend.LegendOrientation.HORIZONTAL); l.setDrawInside(false); l.setFormSize(8f); l.setFormToTextSpace(4f); l.setXEntrySpace(6f); ArrayList<BarEntry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<BarEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < 8 + 1; i++) { float mult = (60); float val1 = (float) (Math.random() * mult) + mult / 3; float val2 = (float) (Math.random() * mult) + mult / 3; float val3 = (float) (Math.random() * mult) + mult / 3; yVals1.add(new BarEntry(i, new float[]{val1, val2, val3}, getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icons_sneakers))); } BarDataSet set1; if (mChart1.getData() != null && mChart1.getData().getDataSetCount() > 0) { set1 = (BarDataSet) mChart1.getData().getDataSetByIndex(0); set1.setValues(yVals1); mChart1.getData().notifyDataChanged(); mChart1.notifyDataSetChanged(); } else { set1 = new BarDataSet(yVals1, ""); set1.setDrawIcons(false); set1.setColors(getColors()); set1.setStackLabels(new String[]{"Births", "Divorces", "Marriages"}); ArrayList<IBarDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<IBarDataSet>(); dataSets.add(set1); BarData data = new BarData(dataSets); data.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter()); data.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); mChart1.setData(data); } mChart1.setFitBars(true); mChart1.invalidate(); } private int[] getColors() { // have as many colors as stack-values per entry int[] colors = new int[3]; System.arraycopy(ColorTemplate.MATERIAL_COLORS, 0, colors, 0, 3); return colors; } }