
Best Wordle start words to help you keep your streak

what is the wordle today & Best Wordle start words

To win the game, you’ll need to use the Best Wordle start words. Wordle ‘s best start words will help you beat the game. You won’t need to look for the answer to today’s Wordle question. The NYT’s WordleBot, sadly behind a paywall, recognizes the importance a good starting word.

The first tip I have is to choose a good word as a starting point.

Best Wordle start words: Most common letters

Let’s first look at the science behind the words. It’s not necessary to be a genius in order to know that you should use the letters that are more common in English. 

Peter Norvig is the director of Google’s research. He analyzed data from Google Books in order to create a list of the most common letters used in English. “E”, “T”, and “A”, were his top three choices, with “J”, Q”, and “Z”, being the least popular.

This list, however, is based more on Wordle answers than it is Wordle words. To find out the most common letters in Wordle, you would need to look at all of them.

It’s not difficult to do. It’s easy to download Wordle’s HTML code and then use it for some number crunching. You’ll get a list of the most commonly used letters.

  1. You can also read about how to get in touch with us.
  2. You can also find out more about the A-Team here.
  3. You can also read about R
  4. You can also find out more about the O
  5. You can also contact us by clicking here.
  6. The following are some of the reasons why you should consider hiring someone else
  7. You can also find out more about the following:
  8. S
  9. Then, you can ask for help.
  10. C

The list is based more on Wordle solutions than Wordle words. Although the game accepts over 15,000 words, only 2,309 of them are valid answers.

It’s a good appetizer, but the main course is the best Wordle starter word.

Best Wordle start words

What are some of the best Wordle starter words?

Many people have tried to use math in order to determine the most appropriate Wordle starting words.

Tyler Glaiel is a programmer/game designer who scored each letter in Wordle based on its placement and if it was included in any of the 2,309 possible answers.

The algorithm has determined the best options for starting sentences after checking all 12972 words:

  1. SOARE
  2. ROATE

Glaiel says that RATE, for reasons too complex to explain here, is the Wordle starting word to use if you are looking to eliminate as many possible answers as possible.

You won’t get a 1/6 if you use ROATE, however, as it doesn’t appear in Wordle. Glaiel suggests starting with Raise.

Bertrand Fan, programmer, took a similar approach and came up with an almost identical list.

  1. SOARE
  2. SAREE
  3. SEARE
  4. STARE
  5. ROATE

According to Fan’s analysis, the best Wordle starting word is STARE, because the top three are not included in Wordle’s list of possible answers.

The Tom’s Guide team chose Stare months ago without knowing the research. We’ll use that word.

This decision was based more on common sense. After all, S is by far the most popular first letter in Wordle answers. A is also the third most common letter, and E is the fifth most common letter. T and R are the most common consonants in the entire game.

The best Wordle starter word for is STARE .

SALET (a light medieval helmet) is the choice of two MIT scientists. This gives you 5 of the 10 most popular letters. However, we don’t like it as much as STARE, as R is third and L is sixth. This is a good alternative.

WordleBot’s best Wordle starter word

WordleBot, the NYT’s excellent WordleBot tool , has a list of its best Wordle starter words. It should know this because it was created by the same people who run Wordle.

The original math was based upon how many Wordle’s 2,309 possible solutions you have left on average after playing it. It also took into account the average number steps required to solve the puzzle and other metrics.

The WordleBot, however, was updated in August of 2022. It no longer knows what the original Wordle solutions were, and instead, “it assigns approximately 3,150 fairly common English words a likelihood of being a Wordle Solution, based upon what it has observed so far about the words that it has been solutions,” , according to the New York Times.

We then assign each of the roughly 3,150 words with a probability that it is a solution. This is based on the word frequency of the New York Times archives from 2000, and what the bot observed about the words which have been solutions thus far.

WordleBot has changed its mind and now considers LEAST to be the most appropriate opening word.

The metrics have changed since CRANE was the top word. The Times says DEAL is another excellent word to start with.

WordleBot has a few of its favorite words to start with:

  • SLATE (99).
  • TRACE (99).
  • CARTE (99 Carte)
  • SLANT (99).
  • CRATE (98).
  • CRANE (98).
  • LEAST (98).
  • CARET (98)
  • STALE (98).

Does your Wordle Start Word have a lot of vowels in it?

Some swear by games like ADIEU (AUDIO), ABOUT (CANOE), OUIJA or CANOE, which let you use three or four vowels right at the beginning.

It’s a good idea to use this alternative method, since (almost all) Wordle answers contain at least one vowel. So it makes sense that you identify it as quickly as possible. This is not the route I would personally take. You won’t get a 1/6 for ADIEU because it isn’t a Wordle solution. AUDIO has a decent answer, but does not contain an E – which is the most frequent letter and vowel in the game. Ditto ABOUT.

CANOE doesn’t sound bad but C and N consonants aren’t as common as S or T. So what you gain on one side, you lose on the other. OUIJA, on the other hand, is a ridiculous suggestion. It doesn’t contain an E in it but does have a J which is the second-least likely letter to appear in the game.

Vowels are important to the game, so think about them when you’re thinking of your second word. Which brings us to…

Second words in Best Wordle

What is the best word to follow up?

Sometimes, even the best start words will not get you results in yellow or green. You’ll then need to find a second good word.

You won’t want any letters to be repeated, so you will need to choose based on your first word. If you follow this advice, and use STARE as the first word in Wordle, then I recommend PHONY or COULD as second choices.

Statistics show that PHONY makes a better second word because Y is the fifth letter most often used. Both COULD and DOING use two vowels. As described above, it is a good idea to play your vowels as early as possible.

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