Jetpack Compose

What is Android Jetpack Compose and How to used it

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Hi, Android developer let’s start to learn about the new in android. In this topic, we share what is jetpack compose and its use. building UI in native Android using Jetpack Compose it is a modern toolkit. Jetpack compose is a simplify and quick UI development tool on android with less code and intuitive Kotlin APIs.

In this tutorial, we build a simple UI component and informative functions in android. You don’t want to be editing any XML layout or using any layout editor. Alternately you can use compose functions to make a UI component.

Jetpack is a library that can help developers to follow best practices, reduce custom code. And write code that works consistently across Android versions and devices so that developers can focus on it.

Jetpack compose libraries may be used alone or in the combination of addressing different needs in your apps.

  • WorkManager for your background scheduling needs.
  • Room for data storage persistence.
  • Navigation to manage your application navigation flow.
  • CameraX for your camera app needs.

Jetpack libraries are published in the androidx namespace. If your android project currently uses the Android Support Library v4 and v7, read more about how to migrate the Android library to androidx .

To learn more about the Jetpack, check out these pages:

  • Android Architecture Components
  • Complete list of Jetpack components


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