What is kahoot ? how to kahoot.it join a geme 2024 ?

Kahoot is among the first and remains one of the most popular quiz-based game platforms available, making education enjoyable, entertaining, and digital. Despite its decades of expertise and its wide range of applications, Kahoot! It provides a no-cost platform that is a great alternative for students and teachers.

Since everything is cloud-based, it is perfect to use across locations and connections as well as between different types of devices. It is, therefore, useful in classes on a smart board in addition to personal devices and tablets.

Because of a well-organized system, it is possible to design tests based on age or ability parameters to customize the results to meet the needs of the students or group. Additionally, with the help of a variety of pre-built quizzes- which can be altered to your liking- this is easy to set up and then use.

This guide will give all the information you should be aware of the use of Kahoot! in the classroom. It also provides several suggestions for teaching with this software.

What is Kahoot!?

Kahoot! is a cloud-based quiz platform that’s ideal for teachers and students. Because the platform is game-based, it lets you create new quizzes completely from scratch and is able to come up with your ideas and provide customized learning options for students.

Kahoot! has an extensive selection of more than 40 million gaming games that anyone can play, which makes it fast and simple to start. It is ideal for distance or hybrid learning when you have time and money scarce.

Since Kahoot! is completely free, you only need to set up an account to start. Students can use Kahoot! On most devices, from any device connected to the internet.

Kahoot host :- how to host a live kahoot

Kahoot host How to host live kahoot using any device whether in either person, or via the internet. The time is now to put on your host cap on! Do it today.

A live kahoot should be presented on a large screen with an audience that is live (either live or online).

This game can be performed in a group by everyone and is played by the host to be. To find out how to assign an self-paced game visit below.

Kahoot hosts: Tech requirements

As a host for kahoot you must have the following features:

  • A laptop, desktop tablet, mobile device or mobile device ensure you are using you have a internet browser that is compatible with our mobile app and our mobile application can be installed.
  • Projectors, large-screen, and videoconferencing software. the resolution of the screen should be at minimum 1024×768. If the elements onscreen overflow or are too small Try using the zoom in/out feature.
  • A reliable internet connection – make sure you check your venue’s internet stability at the very least two days prior to any event of significance.

It’s impossible to return using the same username and points earned after exiting this game (e.g. shutting down the application or tab, or losing connection). If players want to rejoin the game need to create an new name and start collecting points starting from the beginning.

The Kahoot! gaming experience can be affected when a player uses the same PIN for the game from outside or uses BOT-related services accessible on the internet.

Kahoot hosts: Launching a live game

Live games are launched dependent on whether the host of the game uses a mobile or web browser. using an internet or mobile browser as well as the mobile application.

On the web

To become a live kahoot hosts using a web browser:

  1. Register into your Kahoot! account.
  2. Find the kahoot that you wish to host on the library tab or on the Explore page.
  3. Click on the Kahoot to display its profile page.
  4. Select to the “Start” button.
    Based on whether the kahoot is found on the Kahoots page or on the Find page the button might appear slightly different.

Are you looking to start an playlist that includes 2 or more Kahoots? Visit below to find out how you can do it.

Are you looking to play a kahoot in a single device, or to preview your kahoot prior to hosting it live? Go this link and learn how you can accomplish it.

You are a Kahoot host and would like to use Kahoot! in the Video conference? It is possible to use the screen sharing feature of your conference software’s feature. We recommend taking a an examination of the integration tools we offer: Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Kahoot host: Selecting the game mode

The host’s screen will show the available game modes. Select the options in the carousel on the lower left of the screen to read the short descriptions. Select the option most closely matches the gaming experience you’d like to give your users.


You can use classic mode if wish to have each player play on their own.

team mode

You can use team mode if need players to form teams. Find out more information regarding Team Mode here.

Additional game types – student-led games

Kahoot! game modes enhance every aspect of interaction between players from meeting or lesson preparation to delivery, all the way to assessment and report. Learn more about

Kahoot hosts: Settings

Prior to selecting your game’s mode you can go to the lobby while waiting for players to arrive and between questions, you can browse the game’s choices accessible through by clicking the gear wheel icon at the lower right-hand edge of the screen that hosts.

You are able to alter the settings you want to modify during the game, between questions. The settings you set are saved for the following time. You can find out more about setting here.

Kahoot hosts: Starting a live game

When you select one of the game modes after which the PIN code and QR code will appear at the top of your screen. It is at this point that your players are able to start joining.

When you’re sure that everyone is on board, click your start button located on the right-hand side of the screen.

Participants can join once you’ve played the game. The PIN will appear on the lower right of your screen. You can secure your game or hinder gamers who are not a part of the game by pressing the padlock icon right next to the Start button.

You are able to click on the PIN code displayed on the host’s screen and take the hyperlink directly to the live gaming. It is possible to share it with your players. The link will allow them to connect directly to the game and they don’t need to input the PIN.

Just click the QR Code to enlarge it, and make it easier for the players to scan.

What are the top Kahoot game features?

Ghost is a fantastic feature that lets students compete against their previous scores, making an enjoyable game of improving their performance. This lets you go over a question repeatedly and helps to ensure that the information gets into the student on the highest level.

Enhance the understanding of each student by using the data of results to identify the student who has struggled with what, so that you can assist them with that issue.

Utilize the variety of quizzes developed by other teachers and accessible via Kahoot!, which are accessible for free. You can also combine several Kahoots to create a truly comprehensive test.

Students first
A Kahoot quiz is an excellent way to test the students’ understanding prior to teaching a subject . It will help you keep it from being too simple or complicated for your class.

You can add videos directly from YouTube quickly. This is an excellent method to let students take a look and learn, knowing that they’ll be asked questions following the end of the video. It is also possible to add pictures or for the iOS application or your own artwork.

How to play a kahoot quiz Game

  1. If you’re conducting the play of Kahoot for other players to playon, your device must have a connection to an object all your students could see, for example, an LCD projector or a large TV to play locally, or even a platform like Youtube Live or Skype to stream your screen online.
  2. After you have chosen the Kahoot that you want to join, you’ll have to choose a mode of play (classic and team) to start the Kahoot.
  3. Play! Now you should be able to see a lobby screen in which instructions for going on kahoot.it and enter the game’s PIN. Keep this page open and let your students follow the directions using their own devices. When they sign up your class, their names appear on the screen. Once everyone is joined.
  4. Utilize the button ‘Next’ to navigate through the results screens and move on to the next one.
    When all questions are addressed, you’ll be able to gather feedback on the Kahoot from your students and

How to find Kahoot! PIN

Kahoot! game pins: game pins can be temporary and serve to are used to identify Kahoot! Game sessions. Game PINs are one method to be a part of the Kahoot! game initiated by a fellow Kahoot!’er. Find out how to locate the Kahoot! PIN and begin Kahoot! ‘ing now.

If you visit https://kahoot.it or launch our mobile app and click the Join button, you will see the field which requires an Game PIN.

As as a participant You must get the PIN from the host of the game.

The PIN is generated when someone gives an actual Kahoot or is assigned the Kahoot.

If you’d like to be a part of the live game in a simultaneous manner and are able to see the screen of the host the PIN will be visible at the top of lobby of the game.

If you are an participant playing a game, you cannot generate a pin. You’ll have to be given the Kahoot! game number by an individual who hosts the game.

Kahoot! Game PINs for games are distinct to every kahoot session. They are generated after the kahoot is started and are used at kahoot.it or through our app, so that players can be a part of the session of a host.

If you’d like to play on your own and don’t require an account number, but you may play an option for solo play.

Kahoot  join :-  how to join a Kahoot! game

Kahoot! join code How to join the Kahoot! game. There are several ways to participate in the fun of amazing learning. Take a look at our step-by-step guide.

You are able to join an Kahoot! game session

You don’t require an account to participate in Kahoot! games.

It’s not possible to join with the same name and points earned after exiting this game (e.g. closing the tab or app or losing connectivity). If players want to join the game again, have to create an new username and earn points starting from the beginning.

Kahoot  join Via game PIN (Kahoot! join code)

  1. Visit kahoot.it, or download our mobile application and click to join.
  2. Enter a game PIN (Kahoot! join code ) – Kahoot! game’s PIN: How do you find Kahoot! PIN).
  3. In the event that a player identification is activated via the hosts, supply the desired identification.
  4. When you are using the friendliest nickname generator is activated on behalf of the host just click or press on the spin button to select an alternate nickname. If it’s disabled, you can type the nickname you want to use.

Kahoot  join Via this link

With hyperlinks, you don’t need the Kahoot! Join code (PINs).

Live Games (simultaneous)

The host may hit the PIN located in the lobby of the game. This will save an exact hyperlink for the game onto their clipboard.

The host may provide this link to players in order for them to be directly taken into the match. Players simply have to click the hyperlink.

If our mobile application can be installed in the user’s device, the kahoot app will appear in our mobile application. If the app is not installed, it will open on your device’s web browser.

Assignments (self-paced)

The host is able to download the hyperlink from current report page for the assignment and give it to players.

The players have to click this link.

If our mobile application can be installed in the user’s device, the kahoot app will appear in our mobile application. If it is not, it will be opened within your browser’s web page.

Kahoot  join Through QR code

  1. Open the Kahoot! mobile app.
    You can also use the QR code using the camera app on your device and then be directed to the Kahoot! app or web site.
  2. Click Join at the lower right on the display.
  3. Click on the option to scan QR codes. option.
  4. The QR code will be that is visible on the screen of the host or provided via the host using an integrated QR code scanner.
  1. If, during a live match the codes are too tiny for scanning Ask the player to click the code. This will allow you to see it in a larger size.
  2. The game will start within the Kahoot! app.
    If you’ve used your camera app, but do not already have K! application installed the game will be opened on your device’s browser.
    Depending on your device it is possible to be asked permission to access the app or browse.

Kahoot FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. What Can It Help with?

Kahoot! is an outstanding learning tool that engages students to engage with learning by playing engaging games. This user-friendly tablet and mobile friendly tool offers teachers and students alike an effortless interface for creating quizzes or games in mere moments!

2. What grades and age range do you offer classes for?

Our offerings cover grades K-12 with minimum age requirements between five and 18 years.

3. Do the standards align?

This platform’s focus lies on how rather than what aspect of learning; content was produced utilizing your teaching methodology and curriculum for creation of its contents, adhering to specific standards related to what the content offers and allowing users to design or play games according to those set by this platform.

4. What is Your Pricing Structure?

Kahoot offers its basic variant for free, while any upgrades to a premium version with more features require payment of an upfront fee.

5. Are There Any Related Services?

There are no related services based on it – this platform serves solely as a way of designing, discovering, and playing with designs.

6. What sets Kahoot apart?

Kahoot stands out by providing an engaging learning platform which fosters playful yet active engagement in all subjects of education, fostering discussions while stimulating engagement and enthusiasm about material pertaining to it. Real-time experiences provided via visual backgrounds as well as games, music and virtual experiences help students discover hidden abilities or develop them further.

7. What are the key characteristics that distinguish the design process to enhance the user interface and experience?
Two characteristics make up its distinctiveness:

Accessibility. Accessibility.
Inclusivity Kahoot provides us with the ability to transform back-benchers into first benchers. Students that were once shy, dull or inactive are now becoming active participants thanks to Kahoot.

Their primary goal and purpose is using technology as a platform for connecting learners together effectively in a productive manner while tapping their resources and capabilities fully – it is truly a creative business established by virtual reality’s innovators and creators!

8. What principles of instructional design are at play here?

This platform or medium was specifically created to create positive feelings by creating:

Collaboration, Emotions and Connections.
Bonding Its These skills can be developed quickly through technology. One effective and thorough method for employing Kahoot in schools is encouraging students to become active creators and players of Kahoot games, encouraging them to be both creators and players, thus driving research that strengthens students’ logical thinking, creativity ability to ask pertinent questions, presentation abilities, facilitation skills as well as creating an engaged social atmosphere conducive to learning.

9. Does this product serve a core, supplement, special needs, extracurricular, or professional development need?
Kahoot features many characteristics that make it suitable for use across the world. As teachers use Kahoot to instruct classes through games and other activities, students also design their own learning through Kahoot.

Many teachers find it useful as an adjunct tool, particularly during lessons’ introduction and discussion or lecture periods. Furthermore, this method helps engage and keep students interested while decreasing boredom among pupils.

As an extracurricular activity, assign puzzles or quizzes as homework to encourage self-learning among your students.


Kahoot can also contribute to professional development as students learn to design their own games by conducting research and exploring. After doing this, they can share this knowledge with friends or family at home or school classrooms; then take this learning further by sharing their understanding with peers as well.

Kahoot! is an exciting and revolutionary tool in education, serving both as an energizer for classroom teaching and student lives alike.

Kahoot! is an invaluable learning tool, inspiring participation, engagement, enthusiasm, motivation, and enjoyment among students while making learning fun! Children can create funny Kahoot nicknames.

Someone has said it perfectly: a classroom without Kahoot! can be seen as similar to an automobile without wheels or gasoline.

Kahoot! has captured both teachers and students. Its slogan should read, “Explore and Enter the Dream World of New Learning Through Fun.” Once hooked, this game can create magical learning among students – trust me when I say this is an essential tool in any teaching methodology! If you haven’t used Kahoot! before now is definitely time to do it as its popularity has spread worldwide – whether a teacher, a student, or neither! Everyone’s heart has been won over!

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